Small Business

Are You Looking for Financing?

business plan

Determining your chances of success in securing financing.

Looking for Financing
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Start-up Businesses : With Revenue

If you are a start-up business, we are only able to help  those businesses that already have clients and have generated revenue.  You should also have had some prior funding from other sources such as equity partners or friends and family.  You should also have a business plan which includes your projected financials.   If you are not currently in this position, there are organizations in Canada where you can go for help with initial funding and  advisory help such as MaRS and ventureLab which are part of ONE, which is a group of organizations in Ontario which are set up to help new entrepreneurs.



Small Businesses:  Over 2 Years in Operation

If you are a small business that has been operating for 2 years or more and you are looking for additional financing for growth or business expansion, then we are interested in talking to you to see if we can help you look at other lenders outside traditional lending institutions. Depending on the amount of the financing you are looking for and the use of the funds will determine whether you need a full business plan or a business case.


Fill in our Form and we will contact you to see if we can help you secure financing for your business.